Diabettica sugarama. Welcome to the world of the sugar monster. To keep it in its cage the patient, their family and friends need to fully understand how this molecule of glucose can cause such havock in the human body if it is not kept within a range.
Almost a third of patients with diabetes are not aware they have the disease.
Tests include:
7 million people in the UK have prediabetes (Diabetes UK Data)
Diet and exercise can make a massive impact on prediabetes health before it is too late.
Make the exercise something you enjoy so you can make it a lifechanging experience.
Tailor the diabetic diet to what will make you healthy and is what you enjoy. Many diabetic patients suffer depression because they are handed diet sheets of ideas they do not like or enjoy to eat. Do some research and choose the diabetic friendly foods that suit you. We are going to use this site to put as many ideas on that we can think of which are diabetes friendly. Choose what you like from the list. A general rule is cut out everything white and introduce some complex carbs and natural enzymes into the diet.
So put your glucose monitor on your bedside table to remind you to check your blood sugar first thing in the morning and before bed.
Go for a brisk walk or off to the pool for aquafit, whatever turns you on.
Checking levels and seeing the reduction in sugars before and after exercise is a powerful motivating force. This also helps to identify dangerous drops in blood sugar levels.
Keeping the balance is cruicial. Too much blood sugar gives viscous, thick blood which does not flow well and causes problems with circulation.